Police arrested Shrikant Tyagi on Tuesday for allegedly assaulting a woman in Noida and flaunting a car sticker. The care sticker falsely identified him as an MLA. The sticker was given to him by Swami Prasad Maurya, the Samajwadi party leader.
Alok Singh, the police commissioner, said that they impounded his two Toyotas, five cars, two Tata safaris, and a Honda Civic. Along with this, he also purchased a special serial number and they all have two zeroes and a Lucknow registration. He paid Rs 1.10 lakh for each of these, as these things would help him get identified as a VIP person.
Police arrested Tyagi on Tuesday morning from Meerut House. He told to police commissioner that he got the sticker from Swami Prasad Maurya. The sticker will get him identified as a member of the legislative assembly in UP.
Maurya is currently a member of the state legislative council from the Samajwadi party. Tyagi claimed to be a member of the BJP Kisan Morcha and the national coordinator of its Yuva Samiti. The opposition parties are raising questions and attacking the BJP over this issue by sharing the pictures of Tyagi with the senior party leaders.
Why was Tyagi arrested?
Ans. To abuse the woman and put an MLA sticker on his car.
From where did he get the MLA sticker?
Ans. Swami Prasad Maurya gave him an MLA sticker.
Does this kind of incident affect the BJP’s reputation?
Ans. Yes, it will.