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How to Manage Microsoft Edge Privacy Settings

Microsoft Edge is the browser by default for all the latest Windows 10 devices. It is inbuilt, highly compatible with the entire modern web. But for some of the enterprise web and some small sites they were built with older technologies, you can send them directly to internet explorers. It is very necessary to block all the harmful trackers for your privacy and prevent you from any harmful activity. Trackers used all information to collect the data from your browsing behavior. The tracker by following your history will be able to track your favorite shopping site and the news site. Sometimes the Microsoft edge pop-up virus will be popped up just to confuse you and maybe a scam. It is better to avoid it.

To keep your privacy and the web history safe and protected the Microsoft privacy settings will help you:
1. Firstly, go to the screen of the control’s edge privacy settings. Now click on the three buttons available on the upper right.
2. Scroll on to privacy and the services section.
3. Here there will be many privacy settings.
4. Now click on learn more.

Here you will get all the information about Microsoft edge and privacy.
At this stage, if you are worried about your security of the password on Microsoft edge then you will have to click on the off button that states offer to save passwords. Now click on manage my passwords. Now you will be able to see the whole list of the passwords saved. Click on x next to the passwords that you do not wish to save.

Now go to the cookies section and be sure to block all the cookies for extra precaution. But sometimes some websites will behave weirdly and you will not be able to use it, and then go to the option of blocking only third-party cookies.
Now turn on the button that says sends no track requests, so you will not be tracked online. Here there is no real standard that is available for handling.

There is the option of Cortana which is a digital assistant that is better than Siri. But the only drawback of this is that to do the work she needs to collect all the information and keep track. If you do not want your records to be tracked then turn off the settings.

It is commendable if you want to turn off other settings, but if you do this it will turn off some of the useful edge features also. This will make sure that the information is not seen by the Microsoft edge.

You can also try to turn off the several other settings available. You can turn off some of the useful edge features you can also turn off the use page prediction that speeds up browsing, improve your reading or make the overall experience better, this will slow down your downloading, and you will not be able to send this information to Microsoft.

You can also clear your browsing history or cache by going to settings and now from there, you can choose to clear whatever you wish to delete. Select the information that you need to delete and clear the history that you wish to delete.

Microsoft edge pop-up virus is nothing but a scam that redirects the browser which will then enhance the browser to unwanted pages. The best way to avoid this is to turn off the browser then restart the browser. You can do this by following simple steps
• Click on start
• Go to settings
• Then click on an app
• Then go to apps and features
• Now go through the whole list for the entries for the suspicious software that is installed.

If you want to block the pop up u need to follow these steps
• Go to settings
• Then site permissions
• Select on pop up and the redirects
• Move on the block and then switch it on

To protect you from all the malware functions and your important data it is necessary to keep in mind to block the tracker Microsoft edge pop-up virus is just a scam and a false alarm for the virus. That will enable and will be able to gather all the information from your browsing history. Your security and privacy are of utmost importance. You need to careful while sharing our data also. Be safe be vigilant!

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