Today at the India Mobile Congress 2022, Lava Blaze 5G was unveiled. Despite the fact that the company withheld an exact price, it is anticipated to be the most affordable 5G smartphone in India. One of the few differences between this device and the Lava Blaze Pro, which was unveiled last month, is that it is powered by a Mediatek Dimensity 700 chipset.
A fingerprint scanner is located on the side of the Blaze 5G, which also features a 6.5″ LCD screen with 720p resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. Storage has 128GB and 4GB of RAM. A microSD card can be placed in the slot. A 50MP primary camera and an 8MP selfie camera are also included in the phone. The phone has an internal battery of 5,000 mAh and runs Android 12 out of the box. The Blaze 5G also features Dual VoLTE, a USB-C port, Bluetooth 5.1, and space for two SIM cards.
The phone will be unveiled in time for Diwali, which is observed on October 24. The company says it will be available in Blue and Green and cost “around INR10,000” (roughly $125), or Indian currency.
sources: gsmarena