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Reasons To Know Why Most Students Make Career In The Government Sector?

For youngsters of India, there has been one perpetual dilemma- whether to choose the government sector or private sector for a job. At present, government jobs are the ultimate prize for job seekers in India. Why do Indians have a never ending craze for government jobs? The answer is very simple. Government jobs not only offer a handsome amount but also umpteen privileges. On the other hand, the private sector can drag you to the abyss of work pressure with little salary.

Qualifying a government exam is the only way to grab a government job. Among all other government exams, SSC CGL is the most sought after exam in India. The SSC CGL 2021 examis yet to be conducted in India.You can easily secure officer designation in the departments of government by clearing this exam. No doubt holding an officers chair will bring numerous responsibilities but also many advantages. Do you know how many benefits you’ll relish after getting a government job? Countless !!

Know some reasons that persuade students to make career in the government sector:

  1. Job security

Private companies are prone to lay offs during the recession. Whereas, the public sector never chops off their employees during an economic slow down. Being a government employee will keep you away from worries and stress of losing a job. Recently, we all noticed that many multinational and private companies went to dogs. From here, we can deduce that the government sector is stable as compared to the private.

  • Fat salary

Government employees savour fat salaries. After the introduction of the sixth pay commission, every government employee gets high pay as corporate employees. You will not complain about salary structure after joining a government sector. Good salary is one of the major reasons that encourages students to start their career in the government sector.

Are you planning to crack the SSC CGL exam? If yes, join a top-notch institute that is proficient in providing SSC CGL coaching in Chandigarh.

  • Various perks and allowances

Being a government employee you will not only get a heavy salary but also various perks and allowances. You’ll be entitled to allowances like House Rent Allowance (HRA), Dearness Allowance (DA), Conveyance Allowance (CA) etc. In perquisites, you may get a well furnished apartment, motor car, membership to various health clubs etc. If we talk about the private sectors, then after years of hard work you’ll be able to earn a high salary. Moreover, many private sectors fail to give perks and allowances as the government sector.

  • Less stress of work

We all know very well that government employees rarely have pressure at work. They get enough free time during their work hours to rejuvenate themselves. Comparatively, in private sector firms, employees get snubbed with lots of work pressure and stress. Generally, the working hours of government employees is seven to eight hours. On the other hand, private sectors make you work for nine hours in a day. Sometimes they ask you to work over time. Thus, less work pressure makes students choose the government sector to flourish their career.

  • Promotional benefits

A job seeker always considers promotional benefits. In the government sector, employees get promotion on the basis of the time tenure they worked. So, the longer you work the higher the promotional opportunities will be. In some government departments, employees are required to pass an exam to get a promotion. In the private sector, there are few promotional opportunities. Furthermore, you may not get an increment in salary even after working for years.

If you also dream to start your career in the government sector, prepare for the SSC CGL 2021.

  • Privileges after retirement

Government sector offers pensions to all its employees after retirement. Additionally, employees get provident fund and gratuity after retirement. Being a government employee you need not to worry about your expenses after retirement. Whereas, in private sectors you’ll not get retirement benefits. After retirement privileges is one the prominent reasons why youngsters prefer government jobs over private ones.

  • More holidays

Generally, there are five working days in a government job. In addition to it, you’ll get many festival holidays that the private sector rarely gives. The number of holidays you’ll get during a government job makes the most attractive reason for starting a career. Whereas, in the private sector employees may have to work even on holidays. From here, we can conclude that a government job doesn’t create pressure on its employees.

  • Earn respect

Many people will regard you with great respect and honour because of your power and position. Comparatively, being a private employee will keep you unidentified in the society. Working in the public sector doesn’t allow you to take undue advantage of your power and position. Any unethical move can make you stand behind the bars.

  • Social security

When you get a timely salary, pension, allowances, medical facilities then your life is secured as compared to other people who work for private companies. Being a government employee you’ll relish a sense of social security. This concludes that you’ll live the rest of your life without stress. Comparatively, private employees do not get these many benefits.

Every government employee enjoys social security throughout their life. One of the most desirable government exams is SSC CGL. For better preparation of exam, you can link with a leading institute that caters excellent SSC CGL coaching in Chandigarh.

Conclusion Earning a government job is not like walking in a park. You need to channel through difficult exams and personal interviews to get one. All the hard work you’ll do while preparing for the government exam will bear fruitful results. You’ll be able to secure a lucrative job that will serve you ample privileges. Also, you’ll be able to earn a distinguished position in society by being a government employee. So, give your 100% when you start preparing for the government exams. Don’t let any hurdle drag you back. Get the aforementioned points etched on your mind while preparing for the exam, as these will motivate you to give your best.

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