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Ideal GRE Exam Dates and Books for Preparation

The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is an examination that is taken if you are looking to apply for technical, managerial, and techno-managerial postgraduate programs abroad. This test is provided by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). Moreover, the GRE is also accepted at law programs and MBA programs. The exam assesses you on basic mathematics, analysis of data, and the English language.

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GRE Exam Dates

The GRE General Exam can be taken at any point in the year according to your convenience. You can book a slot on the official ETS website for the GRE. You can take the GRE test at one of the many test centers affiliated with the GRE or online in light of the pandemic. It is very likely that you will find a test center in your city. If that is not the case, there is bound to be a test center in a nearby city. As the GRE is an unavoidable part of your master’s application, this exam is available to be taken almost everywhere. Please also note that it is possible all test centers will not be open on all test dates. GRE exam dates can be decided at your convenience, and even more so if you choose the online exam.

Besides, something to keep in mind when you are choosing a date is that you must account for the time it will take for your final score to come through. The score report will be sent directly to the colleges of your choice from the ETS authorities. Make sure that you keep a buffer period for your exam score to be processed and delivered to the colleges.

Additionally, the GRE General Test can be taken at home at any point in the twenty-four hours of a day, and on any day of the week. You can even get an appointment for just twenty-four hours after you register. The test can be taken up to five times in a twelve-month period with a minimum gap of twenty-one days between each attempt.

Now besides setting up a date, it’s very essential to also get all your preparation sources ready. And, one of the best learning resources is GRE books. Let’s check out what books will be helpful for you.

GRE Books

There are several publications that are considered helpful when you are preparing for your GRE exam. There are different GRE books for different learning styles, and you should find the one that works best for you. For each GRE subject test, such as psychology, chemistry, physics, or biology, there are separate books available. Each of these books is dedicated to being a comprehensive guide to the corresponding subject. The GRE General Test book will have separate chapters to cover each section of the test and provide study material and sample questions on each question category in the GRE.

Two of the best books you can try are the 5 Lb Book of GRE Practice Problems, and the Official GRE Super Power Pack provided by ETS itself.

The 5 Lb Book of GRE Practice Problems has over 1800 questions that are of a GRE level, so that you may practice with the same type of content as will be given in the test. The Official Guide contains tricks and tips for you to improve your level of preparation for the GRE.

Go through all the available GRE books and choose one that is just right for you, so that you can maximize your preparation time. Good luck!

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