This is the incident of Thursday when a 13-year-old girl was dragged and thrashed by the seniors outside the school in North Delhi. The video of the incident was also posted by the student on Instagram. In the video, the victim girl is seen being dragged out of the school by five girls, pulling her hair. But after some time, a man and an older woman come to rescue the victim girl. The victim girl and her father both complained about the incident at the Roop Nagar Police Station. But before all this, the family took the girl to the hospital for primary treatment.
The girl is properly fine and was not sexually harassed by anyone. All the students are studying in the eleventh grade and under 15 years of age.
When did this incident take place?
Ans. Wednesday and Thursday
What is the age of the victim?
Ans. 13 years of age.
Does the victim complain about it at the police station?
Ans. Yes, the victim complained about it.