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A Complete Guide to Migraine: Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment

Migraine Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment

What is Migraine

Many people believe that a migraine is simply a headache, but it is much more. It is a neurological condition that produces incapacitating throbbing pain and can keep you in bed for days. Aside from that, a strong headache might cause a person to experience light, sound, visual impairment, numbness, irritation, and other symptoms. According to extensive studies, migraine is one of the world’s sixth most debilitating disorders. Almost everyone should learn about migraines so that they can deal with them properly.

Migraine Symptoms:

  • Changes in smell and taste 
  • Seeing wavy lines 
  • Temporary vision loss
  • Ringing in the ears 
  • Speech changes 
  • Numb and tingling skin
  • Blind spots in vision 
  • Seeing bright flashing dots, lights, and sparkles. 

Types of migraines

Every person needs to learn the types of migraine so that they can identify theirs and take proper precautions on time. The types of migraines are as follows:

Migraine with aura 

Not every person has migraine with aura but almost 15-20% are suffering from migraine with aura. 

Migraine without aura 

It is a different kind of migraine as it comes with the same symptoms but without giving you the phase. 

Migraine without head pain 

During this migraine, you will get all the symptoms but not the actual head pain. 

Hemiplegic migraine 

In this headache, you will feel some neurological and sensory changes on one side of the body. It includes extreme weakness, tingling sensation, dizziness, and vision changes on one side of the body. You will not feel the constant pain, sometimes you will feel pain, and sometimes not. 

Retinal migraine 

Retinal migraine is a serious issue as you can lose vision for minutes and even for months. You should always provide regular reports to retinal migraine healthcare if you are facing vision issues frequently. 

Chronic migraine 

If you are getting the headache for continuous 15 days a month, it will be a sign of chronic migraine. If you take a headache tablet for continuous 15 days, then it will lead to more headaches and even more frequent. 

Migraine with brainstem aura 

The major symptom of this migraine is that you will feel problems speaking and with vision. It will happen just before the headache, and it can also affect the strength of your back. 

Status migrainosus 

Status migraine will last longer than 72 hours and it will be extremely bad. But it can be cured with the help of the right precautions and medications. 

Risk Factors:

It is very difficult for anyone to predict who will have migraine but there are a few factors that lead to migraine. So you should know the factors and it will be easy for you to keep away from them. The factors are as follows:


More than 80% of people get migraine from their parents or genes. Whenever there is any kind of problem in the family’s genes then the child will get the problem of migraine as a negative point. 


Women indeed have migraines more often than men. Let us tell you that women of age 15 to 55 years have a higher chance to get migraine because of hormonal changes. 

Stress level 

A person who is living a very stressful life has a higher chance to suffer from a migraine. Stress is a trigger method for migraine. 


According to research, it is found that most smokers have the problem of migraine. 

Migraine prevention:

Medicines are the only method for migraine prevention but there are a few steps that you can take to live a migraine-free life. If you do the below things then there are very less chances of getting migraine:

  • You can maintain a journal and note down all the food items and the activities which lead you to migraine symptoms. Make sure you are avoiding them as much as possible to avoid migraine. 
  • CGRP monoclonal antibodies are a kind of injection specially prepared for migraine. So if you are getting any kind of migraine symptoms you can consult with your doctor and go for it. 
  • Don’t forget to get almost 7-9 hours of sleep every night to make yourself energetic. 
  • Make a proper diet timetable, avoid skipping meals, and drink plenty of water. 
  • The most important point for everyone is to add exercise is their daily routine and maintain a healthy weight. 
  • You should also give preference to other activities like meditation, yoga, mindful breathing, etc. They will also help you to overcome the migraine problem by maintaining a healthy routine. 
  • If you are getting the sign that your menstrual cycle is linked with your migraine, you should consult with the Migraine doctor about hormone therapy. 
  • You can also go for a consultation to control the stress. Because excessive stress also leads to severe migraine issues. 
Final words:

As Per Talkbuz Research Migraine is one of the most debilitating health problems, and it is extremely common to function regularly while suffering from a migraine. If you get a migraine, you should see a doctor as soon as possible and take all necessary measures. However, never attempt to avoid migraine since it might become a major issue, later on, that is difficult to cope with. Make sure you go to an expert doctor since they will provide you with the finest migraine therapy.

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