Influencer marketing: What is it?
Influencer marketing is the process of advertising and selling products or services through people, frequently celebrities, who can shape public perception of a brand1.
As we scroll through our Instagram feed, more and more users, besides famous people and prominent bloggers and influencers, post sponsored advertisements. It is due to the growing trend in influencer marketing.
2017 Data and influencer marketing trends
Influencer marketing is unquestionably on the rise, as evidenced by the fact that nearly half of Indian marketers plan to increase their budgets for influencer-focused campaigns in 2017.
In addition to reaching significant audiences on their social media platforms, influencer marketing enables advertisers to target a specific audience and provide them with value.
Celebrities are used in social influencer marketing.
The two main types of influencers in the field of influencer marketing are social and celebrity influencers.
Social influencers can be distinguished from celebrities as influencers based on how they grow their fan bases. As opposed to celebrities, who gain followers because people like their music or the movies they appear in, social influencers gain followers based on a specific niche or interest. Most bloggers and influencers have a specialty that sets them apart, whether it be their sense of fashion, skill in the kitchen, or exercise regimens. They gain supporters who are curious about that subject and want to know more.
Since they are promoting a specific product that is relevant to their interests, their marketing initiatives are more likely to resonate with their audience and increase ROI. In contrast to celebrities who merely associate their names with a particular brand to raise awareness, social media influencers frequently have a stronger connection to the product and a motivation for promoting it.

Example of Influencer Marketing
We will give a personal example: due to dietary restrictions, we can not eat gluten. In order to publish content about gluten-free and healthy cooking, we now follow a number of bloggers and influencers who adhere to the same diet. As a result, when one of our favorite influencers suggests a product, we are more likely to act upon their advice and try it than we would be if a celebrity who does not place a high priority on gluten-free and healthy eating made the same recommendation. We respect the influencer’s opinions and have a relationship with them because we read and follow their blogs on social media.
Due to the interests or categories that the influencer has centered their platform around, advertisers can now target a more niche audience. Influencer marketing has a more significant impact and is more effective when it uses social media influencers who have a strong rapport with their followers and can increase engagement with their audience.
Therefore, remember that influencer marketing is not limited to famous people from the television, movie, and sports industries. Social influencers can more effectively inspire the audience you are trying to persuade at a much lower cost.
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